New Earth Energy:

Passive and low energy architecture

We offer a green design service for new homes and the upgrading of existing homes.

We assess the performance of your home/design using thermal modelling software and make suggestions for improvements. We advise on insulation of floors, walls and roofs, hydronic heating systems (using heat pumps or solar water heating), passive cooling (rock store design and geo-thermal), natural ventilation and day lighting. We also make recommendations for domestic solar energy installations (photo voltaic) solar water heating, rainwater harvesting, and grey and black water recycling.


Thermal modelling and SANS 10400 XA rational design

We assist with SANS 10400 XA compliance for residential buildings, both for the ‘prescriptive route’ compliance or ‘rational design reference building route’ compliance.

We favour working with the rational design method as it is a more comprehensive technique of assessing building envelope energy efficiency. Included in this service are energy efficiency advisory notes which we provide over and above the required compliance report and forms. In this way we hope to provide ‘best practice’ advice for home owners and architects to ensure that investment in building energy efficiency is channeled appropriately

XA Compliance for Dwellings

Green Star SA (GSSA)

The Green Building Council of South Africa promotes green building through the Green Star Rating system. This is based on the successful Australian Green Star system, whereby various building types are assessed on their siting, relationship with landscape and ecology, use of materials, water and energy production and usage, relationship to local transport, production of emissions and general innovation in design and management.

Green Star rated buildings are recognised as world leaders in sustainability.

New Earth Design Studio is registered with the Green Building Council of South Africa and Sandy is a Green Star Accredited Professional

EDGE certification

EDGE RATING TOOL is an international green home standard, supported by the World Bank and endorsed by the GBCSA

It can be applied to multi-unit residential projects, and uses a simple green rating software platform to calculate a minimum saving of 20% on energy, water and materials ‘embodied energy’* usage, for housing.

EDGE assists in determining the financial viability of a projects green potential.

Sandy is an EDGE certification Accredited Professional

*embodied energy: the amount of energy consumed by all of the processes associated with the production of a building material

“Smart home buyers understand the tangible benefits that owning a green home brings. Through such sensible solutions as low-energy lighting, thermal glass, and water-conserving fixtures, developers can meet the expectations of consumers who want to save money while living in comfortable spaces with good ventilation and abundant